Ricerca e sviluppo di materiali e tecnologie innovative per l'industria edilizia e l'ingegneria civile costituiscono la nostra entusiasmante quotidianità. With years of multidisciplinary experience, siamo impegnati a convertire il settore delle costruzioni verso l'innovazione tecnologica e la sostenibilità.
With this in mind, our services include:
Research and Development of Innovative Materials: Development of advanced materials for construction, in compliance with European regulations IN 1504 for repair products and UNI EN 197-1 for concrete.
Advanced Construction Technologies: Implementation of technologies such as IoT e artificial intelligence, following the digitalisation standards of the construction sector (ISO 19650).
Sustainability and Eco-friendly materials: Search for eco-compatible solutions, respecting the requirements of EU regulation 305/2011 (construction products) and of D.Lgs. 152/2006 (Codice dell'Ambiente).
Testing and Evaluation: Testing services in compliance with regulations ISO/IEC 17025 to guarantee the quality of the materials.
Technical assistance: Consultancy to implement innovative technologies and materials, ensuring compliance with the requirements of Technical Standards for Construction (NTC 2018).